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Shining With ADHD!

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More and more kids are being diagnosed with ADHD or ADD these days. Parents are concerned about all the emails and principal calls that tell them,”your child is not focusing and is disturbing the class” Homework is a battle most nights,lowered grades,anxiety,and no one wants to play with your child! Most medical treatments are focused on slowing down the brain with medication with hopes things will improve.There are concerns about potentially serious side effects,like stunted growth,poor sleep,and suicidal thoughts. We have a similar Strength-based approach as Dr.Ned Hallowell M.D. He believes ADHD is not a disability but a set of genetic traits that can be viewed and used as major strengths ,so they can win the races of life. I will be discussing our SHINE program that details the 5 essential components to strengthen the brakes within the nerve system, and bring about a more balance brain function . Lets teach our kids to go from surviving to THRIVING! I look forward to talking with you all at our upcoming WEBINAR {yes ,you can learn from home] Please share this link with all who you feel will benefit.

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